Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I pretty much love our chickens!!

Ok, so take a look at these beautiful eggs!!! The blueish one is from our Aracuana chicken (we have 2 more we are waiting and hoping that they will start laying soon). The Aracuana "Easter Egg" chicken will lay eggs varying from turqoise to deep olive to shades of brown. Everyone else lays shades of brown. Cole is selling his eggs at church and he tries to make sure that everyone who buys his eggs gets a blue one!!!
So anyway, I just... we just LOVE our chickens and hope to always have them. We have always had a rooster (well, always meaning since we moved to GA and started the country life thing.) We would hear all these stories of roosters flogging people (more about that later if you have no idea). Well we have never had one of those kinds of roosters......
until now!!!! Meet Mr. Flogger!!!!!! He is huge, you may not be able to tell from this picture but trust me on this one. He loves to strut his stuff, cock-a-doodle-doo, puff up his hackle and try to scare the you know what out of people. Well all of his "cockyness" has been making me more and more nervous, and as of today Mr. Flogger and I are no longer friends.
Look at how much bigger he is than everyone else. I would have loved to have taken a picture of him on the other side of the fence but I am terrified!!!!
Here's the story...
I went out this morning with my barn pants (old pair of jeans that get poo, mud, and other yucky stuff on them), my egg basket, and my bin of kitchen scraps to feed the chickens with. I took care of the goats so that they were happy!! Then I let the chickens out and gave them their scraps. One important thing to point out is I also bring a broom, you will see why. Today I had very little scraps because we ate out last night. Well, Mr. Flogger was not happy about that. He meet me at the door of the chicken coop and when I tried to leave with my basket full of eggs he said NO. He wouldn't backdown and when I went a little to the left, so did he. When I went a little to the right, so did he. By now my heart was racing!!!
All I could think about was how Dan was flogged by the rooster twice on Saturday while we where trying to round up goats. Dan though was not scared. He is so very brave!!!! He just did what he keeps telling me to do...Soccer kick him. I don't have my witts about me in that situation to think to soccer kick. I was raised in the city remmeber and never had to worry about flogging roosters. Plus my legs are way too short and if I get close enough to kick him, then that rooster is just way too close.
Anyway back to my story. My heart was racing and I was telling the rooster to "STOP" but he didn't listen. Well I scooted a little bit too much to the right for him and he went up to flog me. Which means he jumped up, and tried to get me with his spurs. They jump up really high (for me anyway) and they are really quick as they try to go pow, pow with their spurs. Thank God for that broom because I was able to scream and pin him to the ground. What good does that do? I still have to get out of there. I can't stand their all day holding him down. When I let go he started all over again and I was yelling "NO, STOP IT!!!!!!" I threw an egg to try and distract him and he didn't even look away from me. He wanted me dead!!!! That is how I took it:) I have no idea what made him walk away, he probably saw a hen that looked good to him. He is such a cocky little punk!!! I high-tailed it out of there and called Dan to let him know that when he got home from work today we would be making some fresh chicken stew!!!!!!
I would have killed him myself...if I knew how to:) I will learn tonight though.
Oh, yeah during all the flogging, he made me break all the eggs in my basket.


jennifer said...

Wow! Cool eggs. Crazy about the flogger, I'm glad everything turned out okay. I was recently reading instructions for killing chickens . . . interesting. I'd love to hear about it : ) I thought of you guys as the kids played with baby goats at the O.C. Zoo on Monday. SO cute and sweet.

Cyndi said...

did you guys kill him? what did ypu make?

ChrissyD said...

I am dying @ the flogging story!!!! Only you Janell! I love how Cole has to make sure everyone who buys eggs has to get a blue one.... The boys are so big!